Yellow Rose Lapsang Souchong Black Tea


A small, experimental batch of Lapsang Souchong made from the Yellow Rose variety. This richly flavored black tea tastes unlike any black tea you’ve ever had before.

Yellow Rose Black Tea
Compared to the traditional Lapsang Souchong, this Souchong made from the yellow rose variety has a richer texture, more subtle, complex and persistent flavor. It is characterized by aromas of minerals, spices, flowers and berries.

2354 in stock

SKU 8002 Category


Oolong tea or black tea?
Since the Yellow Rose variety refers primarily to Wuyi Mountain Oolong tea (also known as “Wuyi Rock Tea”), experienced tea drinkers will be able to taste the mineral base of this oolong tea. However, our tea is still classified as black tea because it is processed in the same way as black tea.

So, for the curious, this is a very interesting tea. It is somewhere between the traditional black tea and oolong tea categories.


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