Enshi Yulu Green Tea (Limited Edition)


This is a limited edition tea that will only be available at retail for a short period of time. If you are interested, we recommend you order as soon as possible. Once sold out, it takes a long time to get it back in stock.

The dry leaves of Enshi Yulu are emerald green, long and slightly curved. The brewed tea is green in color and has a smooth and rich taste. The rich aroma is sweet and savory, with flavors of seaweed, nuts and legumes.

From a tea quality perspective, this is definitely a premium tea. Considering the affordability and the fact that the tea can be brewed multiple times, this tea might just become your next daily drink!

For those who like strong green tea, Enshi Yulu is an irresistible choice.

2354 in stock

SKU 10000 Category


The history of Enshi Yulu
The earliest “steamed green” green tea, such as Enshi Yulu, appeared in the Tang Dynasty of China (618-907). Although the Japanese loved this tea and continued to improve its preparation methods, steamed green tea fell out of popularity after the Tang Dynasty. Today, almost all Japanese green tea is made by steaming. In contrast, the sencha method remains the standard method for making green tea in China.

Therefore, from a historical perspective, Enshi Yulu can be said to be an important tea, and we are happy that this tea made a comeback in the late 20th century.

Enshi Gyokuro and Japanese Green Tea
Although many Japanese green teas and Enshi Gyokuro are steamed in the production process, the taste is still very different. Because Enshi Gyokuro is relatively lightly steamed, the effects of steaming on the final result are more subtle than Japanese Sencha.

The origin of Enshi Yulu
As the name suggests, the origin of this tea is Enshi in the Wuling Mountains in southwest Hubei Province. Enshi has fertile soil, luxuriant vegetation, spring-like weather all year round, and a pleasant climate. There is no severe cold in winter and no scorching heat in summer. It is a paradise for tea planting. The annual average temperature here is about 17°C, with a long frost-free period and abundant rainfall.


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